>Your commandment is exceedingly broad. ~Bob Jennings
>Your commandment is exceedingly broad. ~Bob Jennings

>Your commandment is exceedingly broad. ~Bob Jennings


Meditation: Psalm 119:96 I have seen a limit to all perfection; Your commandment is exceedingly broad.

The Christian has seen some things. He has had his eyes opened because of the new birth. He sees a world of reality, spiritual and eternal reality, especially the risen Christ enthroned in glory, that the masses of humanity do not see or know, as it is written, “Once I was blind, but now I see.”

The Christian sees a limit to all perfection, that is, all that the world has or does is limited. They call it perfection, but the Christian sees through it. He sees it is limited; it is short; it is flawed; it is rotten at the root. The believers no doubt saw that the marvelous Tower of Babel would come down one day. Likewise, the Lord saw the beautiful temple would be disassembled – “not one stone left upon anther” (Matthew 24.2). Solomon had it all – women, wine, wealth – but saw it “all was vanity.” Under God, David could see that the mighty warrior Goliath was fallible. Sure, Frazier beat Ali but death beat Frazier. All flesh is grass. David saw Asahel, the swiftest, overtaken, Ahithophel, the wisest, befooled, Absalom, the fairest, deformed (M.Henry). Paul saw the wisdom of the world set forth by the great orators was foolishness. John saw the world was passing away.

The Christian sees the commandment of God is broad, yes, exceedingly broad. There are no limits there.

  • It is exceedingly broad because the commandment of God, the Bible, is from God. No limits there. It is perfect, inerrant.
  • It is exceedingly broad because the commandment of God is about God, and there are no limits there. “Its measure is longer than the earth and broader than the sea” (Job 11:9).
  • It is exceedingly broad because the word of God is filled with “exceedingly great and precious promises” (2Pet. 1.4). It tells us how to escape hell and gain heaven.
  • It is exceedingly broad because the Bible is perfectly sufficient. It is so broad that it contains “everything pertaining to life and godliness”. You don’t need psychology. The Bible is sufficient for all our burdens, needs, and griefs.
  • And, the Bible contains exceedingly broad applications. Does the commandment say, “You shall not murder?” It is broader than that; it applies to every form of murder – hate, envy, revenge, etc.
  • It is exceedingly broad because the commandment of God produces glorious liberty from sin. That is exceedingly broad, for, there are no limits to how holy a man can be. It “sanctifies wholly” (1Thes. 5.23). You can have all the self-control, all the courage, all the love, and all the meekness you want. ”Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 6.23).
  • It is exceedingly broad because the word of God tells us how to get in on God’s love, a love that is deep, high, wide and long. It is so broad that it surpasses knowledge (Ephesians 3.18, 19).
  • It is exceedingly broad because the commandment of God calls for death to self and all to Christ. That is a major move.

Why would a young man take a job with “no future” rather than one that has “opportunity”? So also why would anyone specialize in self or in the world – in that which is inferior and limited? Let us invest our all in that which is big, great, glorious, and exceedingly broad, that is, in the living God Himself and His business – the glory of His Son and seeing folks reconciled to God through faith in the work of Christ on the cross as a payment for sin.

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