>What We Most Frequently Give Thanks For Reveals What We Most Highly Value ~D. A. Carson
>What We Most Frequently Give Thanks For Reveals What We Most Highly Value ~D. A. Carson

>What We Most Frequently Give Thanks For Reveals What We Most Highly Value ~D. A. Carson

>"Clearly thanksgiving is a fundamental component of the mental framework that largely controls Paul's intercession. But for what does Paul offer thanks? For what do we commonly give thanks? We say grace at meals, thanking God for our food; we give thanks when we receive material blessings-when the mortgage we've applied for comes through, or when we first turn on the ignition in a car we've just purchased. We may sigh such a prayer of sweaty thanks after a near miss on the highway; we may utter a prayer of sincere and fervent thanks when we recover from serious illness. We may actually offer brief thanksgiving when we hear that someone we know has been recently converted. But by and large, our thanksgiving seems to be tied rather tightly to our material well-being and comfort. The unvarnished truth is that what we most frequently give thanks for betrays what we most highly value. If a large percentage of our thanksgiving is for material prosperity, it is because we value material prosperity proportionately.

Paul gives thanks (2 Thess 2) that his readers' faith is growing. v.3
Paul gives thanks that their love is increasing. v.3
Paul gives thanks that they are persevering under trial.v.4" ~D.A. Carson

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