>Violent Mobs In The Days Of John Wesley -Don’t View The Past Through Rose Tinted Spectacles
>Violent Mobs In The Days Of John Wesley -Don’t View The Past Through Rose Tinted Spectacles

>Violent Mobs In The Days Of John Wesley -Don’t View The Past Through Rose Tinted Spectacles

>Note: For those of you who think today is worse than ever and look at the past through ‘rose tinted spectacles’ and imagine the days of John Wesley and George Whitefield as some kind of “Christian Utopia”, which was ‘Gospel friendly”; here is a quote from John Wesley that will make you think again:

“The mob had been gathering all Monday night, and on Tuesday morning they began their work. They assaulted, one after another, all the houses of those who were called Methodists. They first broke all their windows, suffering neither glass, lead, or frames to remain therein. Then they made their way in; and all the tables, chairs, chest of drawers, with whatever was not easily removable, they dashed in pieces, particularly shop-goods, and furniture of every kind. What they could not well break, as feather-beds, they cut in pieces, and strewed about the room. William Stitch’s wife was lying-in: but that was all one; they pulled away her bed too, and cut it in pieces. (Had the French come in that place, would they have done more?)”~John Wesley, Journal, Mon 6 Feb 1744.

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