>This Fathomless Love (Song)
>This Fathomless Love (Song)

>This Fathomless Love (Song)

Lord, what moved Your heart to love lowly man
before any star could herald Your praise?
And why did You come, abasing Yourself, veiled in a robe of frail human clay?
Why would You the Pure give Your life for the vile,
the Innocent seeking the guilty to be reconciled?

I can’t comprehend this fathomless love.
I’m gripped and amazed at what You have done.
Why would the Adored become the despised
to bear all the furious wrath that was mine?
How awesome this mystery of Your fathomless love for me

Why would You adopt and take as Your own
those who had crushed Your one precious Son?
Why mercy and grace towards Your enemies?
Your name they have cursed and Your throne they have shunned.
Oh how could You choose to show kindness to these?
The ones who would mock You and hate You,
the ones just like me?

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