>The Two Of You Can Do All Things-Martyn Lloyd Jones
>The Two Of You Can Do All Things-Martyn Lloyd Jones

>The Two Of You Can Do All Things-Martyn Lloyd Jones

>”The Christian life is not a life that I live myself and by my own power; neither is it a life in which I am obliterated and Christ does all. No, “I can do all things through Christ”. I wonder if I can best put this by telling you of how an old preacher, famous in the last century, once put it when preaching on this very text. Those old preachers used sometimes to preach in a dramatic way. They would have a kind of dialogue with the Apostle in the pulpit. So this old preacher began to preach on this text on this way: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”. “Wait a minute, Paul, what did I hear you say?” “I can do all things.” “Paul, surely that is boasting, surely you were just claiming for yourself that you are a superman?” “No, no, I can do all things.” Well, the old preacher kept up the dialogue. He questioned Paul and quoted every statement made by Paul in which he says he is the least of all Saints, etc. “You are generally so humble, Paul, but now you say “I can do all things”, haven’t you started boasting?” and then at last Paul says: “I can do all things through Christ”. “Oh, I am sorry” said the old preacher “I beg your pardon, Paul, I did not realize there were two of you.” Now I think that puts it perfectly. “I can do all things through Christ.” “There are two of you.” Not I only, not Christ only, I and Christ, Christ and I, two of us.”~Martyn Lloyd Jones.

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