>The reason why God loves them lies not in them, but in God Himself -R.B.Kuiper
>The reason why God loves them lies not in them, but in God Himself -R.B.Kuiper

>The reason why God loves them lies not in them, but in God Himself -R.B.Kuiper


“The love of God which lies at the heart of the evangel (gospel) is sovereign. And that means that the divine love, unlike human love, is not dependent on its object. One human being, let us say, loves another. He does so because he sees something lovely in the other. And if the time should ever come that he would see nothing lovable in the other, he could not possibly continue to love him. Not so is the love of God. God loves such as are altogether dispicable and wholly repulsive. The reason why God loves them lies not in them, but in God Himself. And if the question be asked what it is in God that accounts for His love for sinners, all we can say is: ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8, 16). God loves sinners because He is who He is. God loves sinful men sovereignly.” -R. B. Kuiper

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