>The King of kings, HE loves me! ~Charles Spurgeon
>The King of kings, HE loves me! ~Charles Spurgeon

>The King of kings, HE loves me! ~Charles Spurgeon

>”Love to me! Dear child of God, do think of it in this way; let me speak for you. “He loves me! He, a King, loves me! A King? The King of kings, HE loves me! God, very God of very God, loves me!” Strange conjunction this between the Infinite and a worm! We have heard and read romantic stories of the loves of emperors to poor village maidens, but what are these compared with Christ’s love to us? Worms were never raised so high above their meaner fellow-worms as the Lord Jesus is above us. If an angel loved an emmet, there would be no such difference as when Jehovah-Jesus loves us. Yet there is no fact beneath heaven, or in heaven, that is so indisputable as this fact, that he loves us if we are his believing people. For this we have the declaration of inspiration; no, brethren, we have more even than that to confirm it beyond all question, for we have his own death upon the cross. He signed this document with his own blood, in order that no believer might ever doubt its authenticity. “Herein is love.” “Behold what manner of love” there is in the cross! What wondrous love is there! Oh! then, let us have Christ’s love in the cup, the love that we may daily drink, the love that we may personally drink just now at this moment, the love which shall be all our own, as if there were no others in the world, and yet a love in which ten thousand times ten thousand have an equal share with ourselves. God bless you, dear friends, and give you to drink of this wine! And if any here know not the love of Jesus Christ, I pray the Lord to bring them to know it. May he renew their heart, and give them faith in him, for whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. “He that believes on him is not condemned.” His great gospel word is, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.” May the Lord confirm this word by his Spirit, for our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake! Amen.”~Charles Spurgeon

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