>The Fault of the Social Gospel -R.B. Kuiper & Charles Spurgeon
>The Fault of the Social Gospel -R.B. Kuiper & Charles Spurgeon

>The Fault of the Social Gospel -R.B. Kuiper & Charles Spurgeon


“The fault of the social gospel of modernism is not that it would remedy social ills, but that it would accomplish this in a way which stands diametrically opposed to Christianity. Brushing aside the obvious truth that society can never be better than are the individuals which constitutes it, it would improve the individual by improving society. It would rescue men from sin’s consequences such as poverty and disease, rather than have them redeemed from sin itself by the blood of Christ. It would save the individual by what is termed the regeneration of society, not by the new birth supernaturally wrought by the Holy Spirit. It would by human effort get men out of the slums instead of getting the slums out of men by the grace of God. It neglects the profound truth so well expressed by  that great evangelistic  preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, ‘Take a thief to heaven, and the first thing he will do is pick the pockets of the angels.'” R.B. Kuiper

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