>The Excellencies Of Christ Are Pure And Unmixed
>The Excellencies Of Christ Are Pure And Unmixed

>The Excellencies Of Christ Are Pure And Unmixed

>”[That Christ is ‘Altogether Lovely’] excludes all unloveliness and disagreeableness from Jesus Christ. As a theologian long ago said, “There is nothing in him which is not loveable.” The excellencies of Jesus Christ are perfectly exclusive of all their opposites; there is nothing of a contrary property or quality found in him to contaminate or devaluate his excellency. And in this respect Christ infinitely transcends the most excellent and loveliest of created things. Whatsoever loveliness is found in them, it is not without a bad aftertaste. The fairest pictures must have their shadows: The rarest and most brilliant gems must have dark backgrounds to set off their beauty; the best creature is but a bitter-sweet at best: If there is something pleasing, there is also something sour: if a person has every ability, both innate and acquired, to delight us, yet there is also some natural corruption intermixed with it to put us off. But it is not so in our altogether lovely Christ, his excellencies are pure and unmixed. He is a sea of sweetness without one drop of gall.”~John Flavel

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