>Someone Who Says They Hunger For God, But Live A Loose Life Are Being Dishonest-Tim Conway
>Someone Who Says They Hunger For God, But Live A Loose Life Are Being Dishonest-Tim Conway

>Someone Who Says They Hunger For God, But Live A Loose Life Are Being Dishonest-Tim Conway

>”Let me tell you something! You can come along and you can say ‘I have a hunger for God’. You know what’s a dead give away to it? Show me your hands and show me your heart. You tell me you’ve got a hunger for God, let me tell you this: your obedience and your carefulness to not grieve the Spirit of God, will be a direct indication of what hunger you do have for God. I’ll tell you this, if you tell me you hunger for God, then you live a loose life, you live a life where you just allow trash and garbage and this worldly filth to come in and clutter things up, you’re not being honest. “~Tim Conway

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