>Some Words of Advice by John Bunyan
>Some Words of Advice by John Bunyan

>Some Words of Advice by John Bunyan


Some words of advice to all God’s people:

1. Believe that if you seek to walk in a way pleasing to God, then you will meet with many temptations from the evil one.

2. The first day that you enter into Christ’s congregation, watch out for the temptations.

3. When the temptations come, beg God to carry you through them.

4. Be suspicious of your own heart, that it does not deceive you into thinking that you are more holy than you are.

5. Beware of the flatteries of false brethren.

6. Walk continually in the Word—the life and power of truth.

7. Fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.

8. Watch out for the “little” sins.

9. Keep the promise of eternal life warm in your heart.

10. Renew your faith in the blood of Christ.

11. Honor those who are doing the blessed work of God in your generation.

12. Follow after and emulate the godly Christians of your generation.

Grace be with you. Amen.”
-John Bunyan

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