>See God Before Men Everyday -Bonar, Hall, M’Cheyne
>See God Before Men Everyday -Bonar, Hall, M’Cheyne

>See God Before Men Everyday -Bonar, Hall, M’Cheyne


 ”Let us seek the Lord early.”- Bonar

“If my heart be early seasoned with his presence, it will savor of him all day after.”-Joseph Hall

“Let us see God before man every day.” -Horatius Bonar

“I ought to pray before seeing any one. Often when I sleep long, or meet with others early, and then have family prayer and breakfast and forenoon callers, it is eleven or twelve o’clock before I begin secret prayer. This is a wretched system. It is unscriptural. Christ rose before day, and went into a solitary place…Family-prayer loses much of power and sweetness; and I can do no good to those who come to seek for me. The conscience feels guilty, the soul unfed, the lamp not trimmed. Then, when secret prayer comes, the soul is often out of tune. I feel it far better to begin with God, to see His face first, to get my soul near Him before it is near another…It is best to have at least one hour alone with God before engaging in anything else. At the same time, I must be careful not to reckon communion with God by minutes or hours, or by solitude.” -M’Cheyne

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