>Rejecting All Unscriptural Traditions-Wong Ming-Dao
>Rejecting All Unscriptural Traditions-Wong Ming-Dao

>Rejecting All Unscriptural Traditions-Wong Ming-Dao

>“Why did I encounter opposition? Apart from the fact that I rebuked prevalent sins both in the world and in the church, and that I opposed not only false prophets but also the apostate teachings of modernist, there was another reason. It was that I opposed all traditions in the church that did not harmonize with Scripture. There are some believers who regard these traditions as equal authority to the Scriptures. The Roman Catholic Church brought in many practices not according to the Bible. At the time of the reformation in the 15th and 16th centuries not a few of the Roman Catholic doctrines were given up by the Protestant churches, but some of the traditional practices were retained. Now why is it that I personally have not accepted these traditions? It is because when I studied the truth I had not only never studied at a theological college but also I have never studied any theological books. All I did was to read the Old Testament and the New Testament over and over again. My beliefs and the message I preached were derived in their entirety from the Bible. I cared not about how many truths some preachers had uprooted from the Bible, nor how many traditions had been added by others, whatever I found in the Bible I accepted – no less and no more. It was not surprising therefore that certain believers both misunderstood me and opposed me.”~Wong Ming-Dao from A Stone Made Smooth.

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