>Reading The Bible Once Every 10 Days-Wong Ming-Dao
>Reading The Bible Once Every 10 Days-Wong Ming-Dao

>Reading The Bible Once Every 10 Days-Wong Ming-Dao

>”Every day I rose early and took my Bible to Crouching Tiger Mountain. Sitting on the stones at the riverside I would study my Bible and pray. I also found pleasure watching the tiny fish swimming in the stream. I watched the sun setting over the distant mountains. Sometimes I would go to a nearby cemetery and there again I would read my Bible and meditate. When the weather was fine I would climb to the top of the hill and there sing hymns and pray. From time to time I would meet a countryman and talk to him about the Gospel.

I had two methods of reading my Bible. One method was to read the whole book from beginning to end. Another way was to study important themes. The 62 days I spent in Da-ya were like attending a short-term Bible School. I read the Bible right through six times. I certainly made considerable progress in my understanding of the truth.”~Wong Ming-Dao from A Stone Made Smooth.

(Much more from this wonderful brother in future posts).

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