>Quotes on Forgiveness
>Quotes on Forgiveness

>Quotes on Forgiveness


"You must forgive repeated offences. You say 'that's hard', no my friend, that's Christ!" -Don Currin

"We are most like God when we forgive and most unlike God when we do not forgive" -Author Unknown

"When you see a Christian who stubbornly refuses to relinquish a grudge there is good reason to question the genuineness of that persons faith" -John MacArthur

"There will be no forgiveness in that day for unforgiving people. Such people would be unfit for heaven. They would not be able to value a dwelling-place to which “mercy” is the only title, and in which “mercy” is the eternal subject of song. Surely if we intend to stand at the right hand, when Jesus sits on the throne of His glory, we must learn, while we are on earth, to forgive." -J. C. Ryle

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