>Paul Washer on Billy Graham Denying Christ As The Only Way
>Paul Washer on Billy Graham Denying Christ As The Only Way

>Paul Washer on Billy Graham Denying Christ As The Only Way

>”I have always sought to be charitable regarding those who preach in the name of Christ. This has been especially true in the case of Billy Graham. However in the last year I have seen and heard several things regarding his beliefs and ministry that have led me to withdraw any recommendation of his person and preaching. I regret my past positive statements regarding the man and his ministry. It saddens me, but I would have to now agree with [the] conclusions: He is either suffering from some sort of dementia or he has denied Christ as the only way, truth, and life.” ~Paul Washer

Note: The context of the quote is Graham believes people are saved outside of Christ.
In Graham’s own words HERE.

And John MacArthur on it HERE.

Graham has been eccumenical for a long time and has been involved with the Roman Catholic Apostate Church. See HERE.

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