>Nothing Is Lovely Without Christ ~John Flavel
>Nothing Is Lovely Without Christ ~John Flavel

>Nothing Is Lovely Without Christ ~John Flavel

>”Nothing is lovely in opposition to him, or in separation from him. If he truly is altogether lovely, then whatsoever is opposite to him, or separate from him can have no loveliness in it. Take away Christ, and where is the loveliness of any enjoyment? The best creature-comfort apart from Christ is but a broken cistern. It cannot hold one drop of true comfort, Psalm 73:26. It is with the creature–the sweetest and loveliest creature–as with a beautiful image in the mirror: turn away the face and where is the image? Riches, honours, and comfortable relations are sweet when the face of Christ smiles upon us through them; but without him, what empty trifles are they all?”~John Flavel

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