>No True Peace Except A Present Hold On Christ ~M’Cheyne
>No True Peace Except A Present Hold On Christ ~M’Cheyne

>No True Peace Except A Present Hold On Christ ~M’Cheyne

>”I. Abide in Him, little children, whom I have always preached unto you, that when He shall appear we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. Let every new sight of your wicked heart, and every new wave of trouble, drive your soul to hide in Him, the Rock of your salvation. There is no true peace but in a present hold of the Lord our Righteousness.

II. Enjoy the forgiveness of sins-keep yourself in the love of God. If you abide in Christ, you shall abide in His love: your joy let no man take from you. “These things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.”

III. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord. “He that (saith He) abideth in Him ought to walk even as He walked.” Ah, how many falls will I have to mourn over when I return, if God send me back to you,-how many unseemly quarrellings and miscarriages among you, that are God’s own,-how many unlovely tempers among those who follow Him who is Altogether Lovely! Oh, take heed! do not give the enemy cause to blaspheme; naming the name of Christ, depart from all iniquity.” taken from: Memoir & Remains of Robert Murray M’Cheyne-Andrew Bonar.

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