>Meet Temptation By Standing On the Word Of God ~Albert Barnes
>Meet Temptation By Standing On the Word Of God ~Albert Barnes

>Meet Temptation By Standing On the Word Of God ~Albert Barnes

>“A single text of Scripture is better to meet a temptation, than all the philosophy which the world contains. The tempter can reason, and reason plausibly too. But he cannot resist a direct and positive command of the Almighty. Had Eve adhered simply to the Word of God, and urged his command, without attempting to “reason” about it, sire would have been safe.
The Saviour Mat: 4:4, Mat: 4:7,Mat: 4:10, met the tempter with the Word of God, and he was foiled. So we shall be safe if we adhere to the simple declarations of the Bible, and oppose a temptation by a positive command of God. But, the moment we leave that, and begin to parley with sin, that moment we are gone. It is as if a man should throw away his sword, and use his naked hands only in meeting an adversary.” ~Albert Barnes.

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