>Medicine and the Supernatural Q+A ~Martyn Lloyd Jones
>Medicine and the Supernatural Q+A ~Martyn Lloyd Jones

>Medicine and the Supernatural Q+A ~Martyn Lloyd Jones

HT: Thoughts on the Way.
Garrett Holthaus: “I LOVE this recording, because it is a sane and balanced look at what are some admittedly thorny issues (e.g., supernatural healing, mental illness, demon possession, etc.). At the same time, it is also a rebuke to those who refuse to take the supernatural into account when dealing with souls in the midst of preaching and counseling situations. In short, it is ML-J at his best. It doesn’t matter what capacity you are serving the Lord in – whether you are an elder, deacon, 8-5 clock puncher, or stay-at-home mom – this recording WILL help you! Listen – learn – apply.”

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