>Many Come To Church With Their Pigs and Leave Them Outside For A Minute – Why Does Jesus Receive Sinners -Josue Contreras
>Many Come To Church With Their Pigs and Leave Them Outside For A Minute – Why Does Jesus Receive Sinners -Josue Contreras

>Many Come To Church With Their Pigs and Leave Them Outside For A Minute – Why Does Jesus Receive Sinners -Josue Contreras

>”The sheep left the wandering… he was on the shoulders of the shepherd, the coin left the darkness he was in darkness no more and the son left the rotton life in the pig sty. You cannot come to Christ without leaving something. You cannot bring your pigs around Jesus… You must be willing to give it all up… many times many religious people they come to church and they come with their pigs and they leave them outside for a minute… they say “praise God that was a good sermon” and they go with their pigs back home… I was talking to my barber he said, “man, my preacher is a good preacher, he steps on my toes all the time”, I asked him “Is it working” he said “yeah, well, I feel pretty bad.” That’s NOTHING! Feeling bad about your sin doesn’t save you… So even though you leave your pigs for a minute while you’re at church, what do you do after you get home, or are in school or the workplace? Are they with you? This man left them behind! You must leave something!” ~Josue Contreras

An excellent message on the lost sheep, coin and son: HT: HwyMChapel.
Why Does Jesus Receive Sinners-Josue Contreras (mp3)

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