>Little Children, God Takes Notice Of You -J.C. Ryle
>Little Children, God Takes Notice Of You -J.C. Ryle

>Little Children, God Takes Notice Of You -J.C. Ryle


"Dear children, remember all this and do not forget it. You are never too young or too little for God to take notice of you. You are never too young or too little to begin thinking of God. Are you old enough to be naughty? Then be sure that you are old enough to be good. Are you old enough to talk? Then be sure that you are old enough to say your prayers. Are you old enough to learn bad words? Then be sure that you are old enough to learn texts. Are you old enough to know and love your mother? Then be sure that you are old enough to know and love Jesus who died to save your souls.

Boys and girls, remember this first great lesson: God takes notice of you. Mind that you take notice of God." -J. C. Ryle from Boys and Girls Playing.

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