>Leonard Ravenhill on Cessationist Preachers
>Leonard Ravenhill on Cessationist Preachers

>Leonard Ravenhill on Cessationist Preachers


Leonard Ravenhill on Cessationist Preachers (those that believe the gifts of the Spirit ceased):
“This is the day of a restricted and relegated Holy Ghost, even in fundamentalist circles. We are loose in the use of scriptural phrases, lopsided in interpreting them, and lazy to the point of impotence in appropriating their measureless worth. Mr. Preacher will wax eloquent in speech and in spirit, serving the Lord with vigor to defend the Bible’s inspiration. Yet that same man, a few breaths later with dead calmness, will be heard rationalizing that same inspired Word by outdating its miracles and by firmly declaring, “This text is not for today.” Thus the new believer’s faith is doused with the ice water of the preachers unbelief.”

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