>Joseph Hall on the Call of Matthew
>Joseph Hall on the Call of Matthew

>Joseph Hall on the Call of Matthew


“There we see Matthew the publican, busy in the counting-house, reckoning up the sums of his rentals, taking up his arrearages, and wrangling for denied duties, and did so little think of a Saviour, that he did not so much as look at His passage; but “Jesus, as He passed by, saw a man sitting at the receipt of custom named Matthew….

….What sawest thou, O Saviour, in that publican that might either allure thine eye or offend it? What but a hateful trade, an evil-eye, a gripple hand, bloody tables, heaps of spoil? Yet now thou saidst, “Follow Me.”…

…What canst thou see in us, O God, but ugly deformities, horrible sins, despicable miseries? Yet doth it please thy mercy to say unto us, both ‘Live’ and ‘Follow Me’…

…O Saviour, our breasts are too often shut to thee, thy bosom is ever open to us.” -Joseph Hall

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