>James A Stewart on his mothers saving prayers for him
>James A Stewart on his mothers saving prayers for him

>James A Stewart on his mothers saving prayers for him

>The Spirit of God now seemed to put strong pressure on my mother in agonizing intercession. For many nights she would kneel quietly by my bedside and claim me for Christ. She resisted Satan in the all-conquering Name of the risen, triumphant Lord. Sometimes she would awaken me out of my sleep and plead with me with tears rolling down her cheeks to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. It was surely God’s time to answer her prayers for my soul and life.

….I… ran home to mother to tell her the wonderful news. When she opened the door I cried, “Mother, I’m saved, I’m saved” and burst into tears. I was astonished at my mother’s lack of excitement. She just said quietly, “Yes I know. God told me that you would be saved this week and I’ve arranged for you to give your testimony at the open air meeting in the centre of the city with other Christian young people.” James A Stewart, from I Must Tell-The Story of a boy preacher ages 14 to 23 years

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