>It Is Not The Measure of Faith That Saves You, It Is The Blood It Grips ~John Welsh
>It Is Not The Measure of Faith That Saves You, It Is The Blood It Grips ~John Welsh

>It Is Not The Measure of Faith That Saves You, It Is The Blood It Grips ~John Welsh

>”It is not the quantity of faith that shall save you. A drop of water is as true water as the whole ocean. So a little faith is as true faith as the greatest. A child eight days old is as really a person, as one of sixty years; a spark of fire is as true fire as a great flame; a sickly man is as truly living as a well man. So it is not the measure of your faith that saves you; it is the blood that it grips to, that saves you. As the weak hand of a child that leads the spoon to the mouth will feed as well as the strongest arm of a man- for it is not the hand that feeds you, albeit it puts the food into your mouth, but it is the food carried into the stomach that feeds you- so if you can grip Christ ever so weakly, He will not let you perish. All that looked to the brazen serpent, be they ever so far off- they were healed of the sting of the fiery serpent; yet all saw not alike clearly, for some were near at hand, and some were far off. Those that were near at hand might see more clearly than those that were far off; nevertheless, those that were far off were as soon healed of the sting when they looked to the serpent as those that were near at hand; for it was not their look that made them whole, but He whom the serpent did represent. So if you can look to Christ ever so dimly, He can take away the sting of your conscience if you believe. The weakest hand can take a gift as well as the strongest. Now Christ is the gift, and weak faith may grip Him as well as strong faith; and Christ is as truly yours when you have weak faith, as when you have come to these triumphant joys through the strength of faith.” ~John Welsh

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