>If You Do Not Have A Prayer Life, You’re Not A Christian – Bob Jennings –The Prayer Meeting
>If You Do Not Have A Prayer Life, You’re Not A Christian – Bob Jennings –The Prayer Meeting

>If You Do Not Have A Prayer Life, You’re Not A Christian – Bob Jennings –The Prayer Meeting

>”[Prayer] is a mark of true Christianity. If you do not have a prayer life, one thing you know for sure is, you’re not a Christian. Every Christian has a prayer life, he lives, he walks, he breathes in communion with God. It is a mark of true Christianity, it is a mark of a true church. Mark chapter 11, my house shall be called a house of what? Prayer. … If you see a church that is not devoted to prayer, you know one thing for sure, it is not a house of Jesus!”~Bob Jennings

Sermon: The Prayer Meeting – Bob Jennings- 36 min. (Worth listening to several times).

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