>Have You Sat Down Under The Shadow Of Christ? ~M’Cheyne
>Have You Sat Down Under The Shadow Of Christ? ~M’Cheyne

>Have You Sat Down Under The Shadow Of Christ? ~M’Cheyne

>“I sat down under His shadow with great delight.” Songs 2:3

“All true believers have sat under the shadow of Christ. Some people think that they shall be saved because they have got a head-knowledge of Christ. They read of Christ in the Bible, they hear of Christ in the house of God, and they think that is to be a Christian. Alas! my friends, what good would you get from an apple-tree, if I were only to describe it to you-tell you how beautiful it was-how heavily laden with delicious apples? or, if I were only to show you a picture of the tree, or if I were to show you the tree itself at a distance, what the better would you be? You would not get the good of its shade or its pleasant fruit. Just so, dear brethren, what good would you get from Christ, if you only hear of Him in books and sermons, or if you see Him pictured forth in the sacrament, or if you were to see Him with your bodily eye? What good would all this do, if you do not sit down under His shadow? Oh, my friends, there must be a personal sitting down under the shadow of Christ if you would be saved! Christ is the bush that has been burned, yet not consumed. Oh, it is a safe place for a Hell deserving sinner to rest!” ~Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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