>Do You Praise God When He Draws Others Closer Than You? Robert Murray M’Cheyne.
>Do You Praise God When He Draws Others Closer Than You? Robert Murray M’Cheyne.

>Do You Praise God When He Draws Others Closer Than You? Robert Murray M’Cheyne.

>”Often on earth, when one believer begins to praise God for what He has done for his soul, it stirs up the hearts of others. So in heaven, when the angels hear the voice of redeemed sinners,-brands plucked out of the fire,-standing in near the throne, they will obtain a ravishing view of the glory of God, His mercy and grace, they will fall down and worship God. They will not envy the redeemed their place; but, on the contrary, be filled with intense praise by hearing what God has done for their souls. How do you feel of others being saved and brought nearer to God than you? Do you envy and hate them, or do you fall down and praise God for it? ” Robert Murray M’Cheyne from sermon on Rev 7:9-17.

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