>Christ Alone Must Fill The Throne Of Our Hearts -Charles Spurgeon
>Christ Alone Must Fill The Throne Of Our Hearts -Charles Spurgeon

>Christ Alone Must Fill The Throne Of Our Hearts -Charles Spurgeon

>“Did not our Lord himself say, “If any man love father or mother more than me, he is not worthy of me”? Yea, and in another place he put it more strongly still, for he said, “Except a man hate father and mother,” or love them not at all in comparison with me, “he is not worthy of me.” Except these are put on a lower stage than Jesus is we cannot be his disciples. Christ must be monarch in the breast; our dear ones may sit at his footstool, and we may love them for his sake, but he alone must fill the throne of our hearts.”~Charles Spurgeon

See also: How would you feel if your thought life was to be shown on National TV tonight?

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