>Can We See Thousands Perishing Around Us & Not Weep For Souls? -Horatius Bonar
>Can We See Thousands Perishing Around Us & Not Weep For Souls? -Horatius Bonar

>Can We See Thousands Perishing Around Us & Not Weep For Souls? -Horatius Bonar


“He that saved our souls has taught us to weep over the unsaved. Lord, let that mind be in us that was in Thee! Give us thy tears to weep; for, Lord, our hearts are hard toward our fellows. We can see thousands perish around us, and our sleep never be disturbed; no vision of their awful doom ever scaring us, no cry from their lost souls ever turning our peace into bitterness.”

Do we believe there is an everlasting hell!–an everlasting hell for every Christless soul? And yet we are languid, formal, easy in dealing with and for the multitudes that are near the gate of that tremendous furnace of wrath! Our families, our schools, our congregations, not to speak of our cities at large, our land, our world, might well send us daily to our knees; for the loss of even one soul is terrible beyond conception. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered the heart of man, what a soul in hell must suffer forever. Lord, give us bowels of mercies! “What a mystery! The soul and eternity of one man depends upon the voice of another!” -Horatius Bonar

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