>A Relationship of Gratitude To God Is The Difference Between Saved & Lost -Lloyd Jones
>A Relationship of Gratitude To God Is The Difference Between Saved & Lost -Lloyd Jones

>A Relationship of Gratitude To God Is The Difference Between Saved & Lost -Lloyd Jones

>“Are we conscious of thanksgiving? What is a Christian? Well, obviously, a Christian must be a person who is conscious of a relationship to God. You cannot read the New Testament without at once coming to that conclusion. Indeed,… this stands out plainly in the Old Testament also. According to the Bible, there are only two divisions of men and women: we are all of us either godly or ungodly. It is either true of us at this moment that the biggest thing in our lives is our relationship to God, or else it is not.
If you go through the Bible you will find that this is always the way. What is the difference between Cain and Abel? What is the difference between Noah and his family and all the rest of the world? What is it that marks out Abraham? What is the thing that picked him out of the Pagan atmosphere in which he was brought up?It was this relationship to God. He was a God-centred man, a man who relied upon God and depended upon him and who had a sense of dependence on and of gratitude to God.”~Martyn Lloyd Jones

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