>A Preacher Must Constantly Dwell In the Presence Of God ~M’Cheyne
>A Preacher Must Constantly Dwell In the Presence Of God ~M’Cheyne

>A Preacher Must Constantly Dwell In the Presence Of God ~M’Cheyne

>”As a servant.-In the East, servants always stand in the presence of their master, watching his hand. The Queen of Sheba said to Solomon: “Happy are these Thy servants, which stand continually before Thee, and hear Thy wisdom.” So it is said of the angels, that “They do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.” Even when most engaged in the service of the saints, they feel under His all-seeing, holy, living eye. So ought faithful ministers to feel. They should feel constantly in His presence,-under His soul piercing, gentle guiding, holy, living eye. “I will guide thee with Mine eye.” “The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous.” Ah! How often we feel before man! Then all power withers, and we become weak as other men; but oh, how sweet to feel in the presence of God, as if there were no eye on us, but God’s! In prayer, how sweet to feel before Him; to kneel at His footstool, and to put our hand upon the mercy-seat, no curtain, no veil, no cloud between the soul and God! In preaching, how sweet to say like Elijah, when he stood before Ahab, “I stand before the Lord God of Israel! To stand at His feet, in His family, in His pavilion, oh, believers, it is then we get above the billows! The applause of men, the rage and contempt of men, then pass by us like the idle wind which we regard not. This is a minister like a rock in the ocean; the mountain-billows dash upon its brow, and yet it stands unshaken.”~Robert Murray M’Cheyne.

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