>5 Steps to Glory -Tim Conway (Recommended)
>5 Steps to Glory -Tim Conway (Recommended)

>5 Steps to Glory -Tim Conway (Recommended)

>An excellent and helpful sermon:
-Are you setting a bad example to new Christians by living licentious lifestyles with your expensive mobile phones etc?
-A baby who doesn’t scream when he is deprived of milk is either dead or very sick. If you’re not reading your Bible regularly then you’re either spiritually dead or very sick.
-Are you prioritising other things above time with God?
-You wouldn’t study calculus with the TV blurring away. How do you study God’s Word? If there any many unavoidable distractions in your life, like children running round and babies crying, then when the baby sleeps, that is not the time for the mother to get all her jobs done, but to spend that quality time with God and in His Word and prioritise and seek Him first.

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