>11 Questions Answered – Ask Pastor Tim (Conway)
>11 Questions Answered – Ask Pastor Tim (Conway)

>11 Questions Answered – Ask Pastor Tim (Conway)

>The following questions were answered by Tim Conway in this Bible Study which you can download mp3 HERE :

1. Can you discuss the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, and the preaching of the apostles in relationship to Paul’s Gospel? There are some who say they are different, and that the apostles did not preach what Paul preached, that the gospel of grace was revealed first to Paul.

2. My wife is not saved, not even close. My wife witnesses me teaching our children about God and the Bible. I read the bible to our children almost daily depending on our schedule and she wants no part of it. She will hardly ever attend church with us. I feel so alone. We are like ships passing in the night. I cry, literally cry for her salvation while in prayer to the Lord. I live a double life, at home almost hiding my beliefs because she has threatened divorce before. At work and other places when she isn’t around I hand out gospel tracts, and witness 1 on 1 to people. I sooooo want my wife to become saved. I have witnessed to her in the past. She just doesn’t believe the Bible or in God. What should I do?

3. When Paul says that women should be silent in the church in 1 Cor 14:34-36, does it mean that women should not be pastors or leaders in a church. Or assume roles of teaching the Gospel?

4. What are we to make of 1 Corinthians 10:31? I’m trying to live as a Biblical Christian and follow God with all of my being. However, I love going to see movies, and I’m quite aware of the garbage in a lot of today’s movies. But there are some good ones out there. For example, the movie Defiance is a good story through and through. It does have sex scenes, a few swears, but overall it fills you with excitement and passion to do the right thing. However, is it right for me to watch such a movie if there is a 1-minute sex scene or two or three swears? How far do you go with 1 Corinthians 10:31? Because to take that passage to the extreme, you could become paranoid of dishonoring God and eventually just end up living in your closet.

5. Who is qualified to baptize believers? I moved to a new town, led someone to Christ, and baptized them in the local river. My pastor said that because I was not ordained, it was invalid. I am pretty sure that the Great Commission says to make disciples of all nations and baptize them… so if I was wrong to baptize this new believer, I guess I was wrong to lead him to Christ and make disciples? Please help me and others with the clarification of baptism; who is able to be baptized, the mode, and who is able to perform the baptism?

6. I feel like God wants me to tell my church that I thought I was homosexual until God delivered me. I feel it is God but my family believes it’s the devil trying to shame me so I wont be used in the church. What do you think? Is there a possibility that this is the devil trying to get me to shame myself? Because honestly, I don’t want to do it, but I don’t want to go against his will.

7. I want to be saved so badly. I feel as though i have tried everything, but i don’t understand your video (Biblical Repentance, Ask Pastor Tim). If this is true, then what do we do instead?? How can I ever be saved?? I am in this situation (trying to believe enough, repent enough) and I have not felt any change. What do I do?

8. I lead a Christian website and I don’t want to lead people astray when giving the gospel, so can you please clarify one point of it for me: Is repentance before, after, or at the same moment as faith in Christ? How do you explain the Biblical truth of repentance being necessary yet Christ gets all the credit for salvation?

9. Can a Christian have an evil spirit in them or be possessed by an evil spirit?

10. Christ tells us to Love one another as he loved us. How can we love people like that if they hurt us, how do we bring ourselves to forgive people that do us so badly…when every time you see that person, it just hurts inside of you.

11. I have a real concern about what Jesus said to his disciples, “he that is not willing to deny himself, take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple” I see so many Christians buying luxurious cars and living in mansions, treating themselves with every pleasure that this world can offer and it seems as if there is no conviction or even thought about what Jesus said to his disciples. Can you please clarify or explain what does it mean to deny yourself and take up your cross? And deny yourself what? What was Jesus talking about?

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