Spurgeon On Pride
Spurgeon On Pride

Spurgeon On Pride

Spurgeon on pride:

Whereever pride is found it is always hateful to God.

Pride is the lifting up of the soul in rebellion against the Lord.

God cannot endure the proud, for pride is a stab at Deity; it is an attack on the undivided glory of God.

“I am humble” he says. Is there any soul living that is so proud as he who says he is humble?

If we get five minutes’ communion with God in secret prayer, then up comes Satan again, and says, “Oh, you are growing in grace! You are a wonderful Christian.

In all cases, pride is most unreasonable. There is never in a poor sinner any reason why he should be proud.

Pride is hateful to man. Men cannot bear a proud man.

I am more afraid of a lofty pride of self than anything else under heaven.

If any are getting so proud that they are living by their feelings, or living on their old experience I think that we may stand in doubt of them, and they have reason to doubt themselves.

-Charles Spurgeon