>Only The Spirit Can Convert & Not Man’s Reasoning -Charles Spurgeon
>Only The Spirit Can Convert & Not Man’s Reasoning -Charles Spurgeon

>Only The Spirit Can Convert & Not Man’s Reasoning -Charles Spurgeon


“”Old Adam is too strong…” So will every preacher find it, if he thinks his arguments can ever convert man. Let me give you a parallel case. Where is the logic that can persuade an Ethiopian to change his skin? By what argument can you induce a leopard to renounce his spots? Even so may he that is accustomed to do evil learn to do well. But if the Ethiopian’s skin be changed it must be by a supernatural process, and if the leopard’s spots be removed, he that made the leopard must do it. Even so is it with the heart of man. … I dare say a man might have enough argument to induce him to hang himself, but I am certain no argument will ever induce him to hang his sins, to hang his self-righteousness, and to come and humble himself at the foot of the cross; for the religion of Christ is so contrary to all the propensities of man, that it is like swimming against the stream to approach it, for the stream of man’s will and man’s desire is exactly the opposite of the religion of Jesus Christ.” -Charles Spurgeon