Matt 16:13-20 Christ and His Church 3 Parts by Mack Tomlinson
Matt 16:13-20 Christ and His Church 3 Parts by Mack Tomlinson

Matt 16:13-20 Christ and His Church 3 Parts by Mack Tomlinson

Part 1: Does your view of the church match up to what Christ said about it?
To Christ His church is the most important thing in the universe.

Part 2: Nine Categories of church goers. Which one are YOU?

Part 3: The importance of the prayer meeting.

Play or download mp3’s:
Matt 16:13-20 –  Christ and His Church pt1 by Mack Tomlinson -60 min

Acts 2:42 – Christ and His Church pt2 by Mack Tomlinson – 46 min

Col 4:2 – Christ and His Church pt3 – The Prayer Meeting by Mack Tomlinson – 58 min

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