How Can We Escape? By Bob Jennings
How Can We Escape? By Bob Jennings

How Can We Escape? By Bob Jennings

I read a news clip tonight about a Syrian boy who escaped being shot in a massacre.  How?  He soaked his clothes with his brother’s blood while the gunmen shot the rest of his family.  So, how can we escape the righteous anger of God toward us?  How can we escape the second death which is hell?  We must be soaked in the blood of the Lamb, that is, I must trust entirely in the shed blood of Christ as a payment for sins, even mine.  Soaked!  Nothing but the blood!  Don’t suppose that church membership, baptism, good deeds or good intentions will merit you anything before God.  Rev 7:14b  These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation (this life, Acts 14.22) , and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. -Bob Jennings Health update here-