Gems From Martyn Lloyd Jones
Gems From Martyn Lloyd Jones

Gems From Martyn Lloyd Jones

There are many people who seem to be in trouble because they are more or less living on other people’s experiences, or are coveting other people’s experiences; and it is because they are always looking at persons and their stories instead of first grasping the teaching, that they so often and so badly go astray.

I want you,’ says Paul, `to think of yourselves as Christians in that way. You are the people in whom God has started to work; God has entered into you, God is working in you.’ That is what Christians really are. They are not just men who have taken up a certain theory and are trying to practise it; it is God doing something in them and through them

And if we are always talking to people about ourselves and our problems and troubles, and if we are forever going to them with that kind of frown upon our face and saying: I am in great difficulty-it probably means that we are all the time centred upon ourselves. That is introspection, and that in turn leads to the condition known as morbidity.–

You cannot isolate the spiritual from the physical for we are body, mind and spirit. The greatest and the best Christians when they are physically weak are more prone to an attack of spiritual depression than at any other time and there are great illustrations of this in the Scriptures.

Indeed I can put it, finally, like this; the ultimate cause of all spiritual depression is unbelief. For if it were not for unbelief even the devil could do nothing. It is because we listen to the devil instead of listening to God that we go down before him and fall before his attacks.

-Martyn Lloyd Jones