Does Your Faith Make You Pray? Charles Spurgeon
Does Your Faith Make You Pray? Charles Spurgeon

Does Your Faith Make You Pray? Charles Spurgeon

Does thy faith make thee pray? Not the praying of the man who prates like a parrot the prayers he has learned; but dost thou cry the cry of a living child? Dost thou tell to God thy wants and thy desires? And dost thou seek his face, and ask his mercy? Man, if thou art without prayer, thou art a Christless soul; thy faith is a delusion … Thou shalt not live to God, if thou dost not live in the closet, he that is never on his knees on earth shall never stand upon his feet in heaven; he that never wrestles with the angel here below, shall never be admitted into heaven by that angel above. … If your faith does not make you pray, have nothing to do with it get rid of it, and God help thee to begin again.” -Charles Spurgeon