Biblical Points on Being a Godly Parent by Bob Jennings
Biblical Points on Being a Godly Parent by Bob Jennings

Biblical Points on Being a Godly Parent by Bob Jennings


1. Children are a great blessing, Psa 127.5, 128.4
2. Children are not always a blessing, 1 Kg 1.6
3. The child’s self-will must be broken, Pro 29:15
4. Reprove firmly; mean what you say, 1 Sam 2:23, 3.13
5. Don’t exasperate the children, Col 3.21
6. Instill a spirit of discipline in the household, Heb 12, 2 Tim. 1.7
7. Teach them to work, Gen 24.20
8. Do all you can together as a family, Ps 127, Acts 2:46
9. Father and mother must show deep unity, Psa 133.1
10. Teach them to fear God, Psa 34.11
11. Cry for grace, Heb 4.16